Why Next.js
Next.js is a React framework, that simplifies a lot things that you would need to add to most React apps and projects.
For example if you need:
- multiple routes, bring in React Router
- dynamic routes, configure
React Router
- optimize images, do it yourself
- SEO optimization, bring in React Helmet
- prefetch links, configure it yourself
gives you all of this out of the box:
- file based routing, create
- dynamic route segments, create
- image optimization, use
<Image />
- link prefetching, use
<Link />
- static site generation or server side rendering
There is plenty of other benefits, but in this course we will focus mainly on the above.
is great forSPA
(single page applications),Next.js
is great for projects whereSEO matters
When to use React vs Next.js
React | Next.js |
One <div id="root" /> entry |
Full HTML on the page |
Single page applications (SPA) | SPA or pre rendered |
Dashboards | SEO benefits |
Apps behind login | Statically generated sites |
Client side rendering (CSR) | Choose between CSR or SSR |
This course is not
- a complete guide to Next.js or React.js
- a complete guide to TailwindCSS
- a full-stack course teaching your everything
Who is this course for
- Next.js beginners with some React knowledge
- anyone who wants to learn about modern front-end development
- anyone who wants to build a practical component from start to finish
What you will build
In this Next.js mini course we will create a simple landing page with email signup form.
What you will use
- Create Next App
- TailwindCSS for styling
- React Hooks Form for client side validation
- React Query to integrate our form with ConvertKit API
- Deploy everything to Vercel
What do you need
If you want to follow step by step from start to finish you will need:
- Github account
- Vercel account
- ConvertKit account
Excited to learn Next.js? Lets setup the project in the next unit.